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Can we find love in today’s world??
Where everyone is broken no one really recovers from past
Will I ever find the person with whom i can share everything i go through
The one who wont disrespect me in any situation
The one who will be obsessed with me not only in the beginning but all the time
The one who will be there with me as long as they can
Basically the question is do we find the love which feels right??
Do we hopeless romantic people find a happy ending ??

8 replies



Do you really think so?


Yes we can recover. it might take some time but it will work


well now that’s a tough question… everyone takes this thing as a joke and we’re losing our trust over this particular topic but i personally believe everything has a divine order and whatever happens is happening for a reason maybe the wait is worth it? maybe it’s for you to realise that you should matter the most for yourself and you don’t really need an external source to make you feel loved?


agreed totally… My question is if i believe in true love and havent found it yet will i ever do in future?

Sanket @sanket

We no longer tend to have long-lasting relationships be it friendship or romantic or family. We look forward to short-term relations and then change the partners, hence bringing the spark of being with a new person again and we admire the attention which we get.

Also, we are less tolerant. After a certain time each relationship passes through a down phase, where the couple starts having arguments and fights. We immediately end up calling our partners toxic and leave.


basically one stops trying, they stop giving in efforts… relationships are two way only one giving everything wont make it work

M. Aamir @mirr

Yep we can
But the thing is that love which starts with friendship will be perfect as you’ll already know most of things about each other.
Nowadays everyone have some past , and if you find someone like that make him recover from that thing , once he gets out of it he gonna love u like nobody else can do . But u firstly have to accept and understand about his/her past … have long and meaningful chats sometimes


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