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Can was just talk about how cruel our Arab society is… (maybe just in my country) They say mentally ill as it is some kind of a joke! They are trifled with the image of what we call " mental health" having a" metal problem," is a joke to them. Its not normalistic NOT EVEN APPROPRIATE for a college doctor to say a sucha thing with a sucha expression WITH A SUCHA TONE !!! And adding to it that “childhood phase " does not matter while HE TALKS about his childhood!! and how it effected his whole life career. Yet its fair to him to say " maybe that” kid" happened to have somthing in childhood Idc" .

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It hits different when you actually have one of your family members depressed…


What that have to do with anything??!


If had any, you’ll see what I’m referring to.
It’s like have a patient in your house without talking about their illness. Fighting a ghost


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