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Can time reduce the horror of an event?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shashankpg
9 replies

Do you mean to say that can trauma/sadness go away as the time passes?

I this yes.
You may feel less sad about that same incident after few days,weeks,months and years.
But there will always be some kind of triggers that this incident will develop in you, I order to protect yourself from something bad


Can it ever just go away?


Eventually time heals everything….
But would take alot of time


What if even after more than half a decade nothing changed?


In such case you should speed up the process and go to therapy

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shashankpg

Shashank Gupta @shashankpg

It’s okay.Accept it. Sing,Dance , Walk in the nature ,feel the cool breeze ,feel the sunshine as it touches you ,Listen to chirping of birds .All pain will pass


Not all pain goes like that. For some you need people to help you. Other they will develop into a trauma. Causing several more problems in future

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shashankpg

Shashank Gupta @shashankpg

You are Right

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