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Emotional AbuseThought


Can they not think about me atleast once? They always fight with each other, verbal arguments , disputes
This toxic environment of my house is enough to mentally exhaust me all the time. I am not the girl I used to be now.
Why don’t they think about me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sam0725
9 replies

Your post first and last line 😮‍💨


I wish I had the answer

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sam0725

Sam Chris @sam0725

Stay strong, this too shall pass


I wish 🙃


I totally understand where you’re coming from and I can relate to it🥺 I’m sorry that you’ve to go through this.
A thing that has helped me is to kind of keep myself busy and occupied in such a manner that it doesn’t bother me to an extent. I know it’s easier said than done but trust me, you can give it a try!
Take care❤️


I’m sorry you also had to go through this
I try, I always try to not be much affected but after all it’s about my own family, I hate seeing them arguing so harshly.
They Expect me to remain Unbothered, but how can a person?
You too, take care


Learn to live with it


It’s not that easy


I know but this is only way


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