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Can someone tell me how to increase height after 18

2 replies

I am sure your height is just fine! 'sure you will not be able to do somethings that require being tall, or something but, height does not really matter in life, whether you are a giraffe, or a little squirrel, I am sure you will be fine!


Don’t be too harsh on yourself. Setting aside the genetics aspect of this, you’re at an age where growth is still possible thru proper diet and exercise. Try and take care of those aspects (all the while being safe in this pandemic). Even if repeated efforts over a period of time don’t yield significant height growth… fret not.

I introduce you to - Tyrion Lannister (aka Peter Dinklage). He has dwarfism genetics. If you’re following the entertainment world - you’d know by now who he is else a google search would suffice. This is not create a comparison between you and him in terms of height.

This is to inspire you that regardless of your height in life - it’s your skill and hard work that will get you where you want to be in life. The rest too shall follow. So chin up and don’t be too upset about this. Success in life isn’t defined by one’s height.


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