Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

share your deepest feelings and emotions in a safe and supportive environment.





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Profile picture for Now&Me member @fateh

fateh alle @fateh

Can someone give me information about this app

Profile picture for Now&Me member @voidnothing
Profile picture for Now&Me member @fateh
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @voidnothing

voidnothing @voidnothing

u write thoughts
u post stories
i talk with other members of now&me
u can participate in various communities ig

Profile picture for Now&Me member @voidnothing

voidnothing @voidnothing

it looks like insta but u can be anonymous too yk


it’s alright 🤣🤣


yes 😭😂

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fateh

fateh alle @fateh

🍑💨🗣️samja kya


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