Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Sansthita @sansthita

Can someone give me a hug pls and say something nice about me?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn
Profile picture for Now&Me member @fastandcurious
19 replies

virtual hug i dont know you but you should smile because smiling looks good on u

Sansthita @sansthita

Thanks. 😢😭


You are a good person.

Sansthita @sansthita


Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn

You are really awesome amazing person… incredibly beautiful soul…you always makes other smile …you just make people life so much better … you are worthy of everything. .so never lose hope… everything gonna be okay i promise. …just take proper care of yourself…and yeah virtual hugs to you…take care sansthita

Sansthita @sansthita

In tears legit. 😢 Thanks queen. You are really a queen

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn

Hey chear up…i knoww things are really hard…i dont know what are you going through…but whatever it is…it will pass soon…just be patient with the pages of your story…you willl know every answer of your every question… whenever the time is right…and that time you will thank yourself for believing in you…for trusting in you… every phase in life is there to teach us something…learn from it…and grow from it

Sansthita @sansthita

Thank you so much. 🥺

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fastandcurious

Are guy hugs welcomed too ???

Sansthita @sansthita


Profile picture for Now&Me member @fastandcurious

Sending you one of the most comfortable and warmest hug

Let the things that are bothering you just melt away so that you can see yourself in the mirror and say

Ayye thats an awesome person standing out there.

Sansthita @sansthita

Feeling better. Kindness appreciated. You look familiar. Did we talk before?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fastandcurious

No we didn’t because if we would had we might have been in a constant touch.

Sansthita @sansthita

yep we did. On 12th July 2021, you commented on my post when I was feeling down. Thats why I kinda found you familiar- your user id that is

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fastandcurious

So is it okay if we can know each other more


virtual hug I hope u are okay.Bcz,if u didnt,how would u see us smiling if u r sad?We all know u are a good person and will always be.Dont compare urself with others.Bcz,u r perfect by ur own.Be different and dont have to follow ppl standards :)since u want to be different,so,be one and you believe u can.

Sansthita @sansthita

Itne pyaare lafz (such pretty words). Thank you my dear anon. Sending a shower of love at u!!


urm,what is anon btw?hehe and no prob:)🤗


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