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Can someone explain unhealthy obsessions? Like I am a fan of fantasy shows be it Got, HP, Tvd, supernatural etc I’ve watched them all. I realised I tend to get a little obsessive with them. Like I wanna be in it and i start imagining myself in the show and this goes on for days. I get a sudden rush to learn how to fight, how to talk like them, hell even how to find someone the way they did in so and so shows. And this gets over in few days until I start another show and this repeats itself again. I am disconnecting in my real life and connecting it to these stupid shows. My expectations are so high that its difficult for me to accept the reality that no one in reality is like one of those characters. I don’t know if this is over the line but I think I really need some advice. Is it some disorder? Or is it my way of escaping the reality which again can be a sign of bad childhood or something idk?

3 replies

Bro … same here exactly same … line by line…

Before i continue further can u answer the following …

Are you interested in living the virtual world or atleast trying to be more realistically closer to it ??

How old are u ?


I am 20 and yes I am interested in living the in the virtual world… What do I do about it?


I am 19…

Well i am doing all that possible for me to do to reach to that you know character level.

Like tranining myself and like working in technology etc etc


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