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Can someone be that busy, that they can’t send just one message to their loved one’s in a span of 24 hrs.

Can someone be that busy, that they can’t reply to a message while being available in online for hours.

Can someone be that busy, that they tell you they want to be by your side and then Ignore you for 3 straight days.

I don’t know, is it me who is overthinking or is it she really ignoring me. I don’t want to think about her negatively, but at the same time I can’t bare this pain.

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Sometimes the situation is wrong might be she busy .?.? You should talk to here according to it …! Conversation makes the things better 🖤 you will get used of it

akshat garg @akgarg00

Possibly yes, but true love will get you your love. Today or tomorrow. Have patience and love


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