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Long Distance RelationshipThought


Can long distance relationship affect our mental health?
Can it lead to anxiety, depression or burnout??

14 replies

Yes 100%


Why and how?


Not really, it’s depends on your trust and amount of love you have .


Keeping that aside can distance affect our mental health? We both love each there are no insecurities or any Overthinking between us… But this is the 1st time we both are into ldr… And we can’t communicate daily bcoz of time issue and now I feel like getting emotional and physically drained, lonely and it’s affecting my mental health


Try fixing a time where u both need to get free and talk to each other…especially on weekends… if one says goodnight 1st then other must sayd goodmorning 1st… talk to them abt this


I can understand you pain , even in normal relationship we can feel this when time passes things will change quickly the love starts to fade it happens to everyone. Only if both have the same amount of love and feeling it will be a healthy relationship otherwise it’s hell . Talk to him/her say the way you feel. try to spend more time together


We are not able to talk bcoz of the time issues also he doesn’t have access to his mobile where he works


We are in ldr… We both love each. It’s been 2 yes we are together but this distance is making my mental health worse


Night time? Like for 1/2 hr?


No… He is a sailor so there’s a lot of issue of network and everything… We just get to talk twice or thrice in a week that too for 10 min


If you guys both love each other then wtever you are feeling…same thing even he must be feeling…so just think this way that he too wants to talk…


Then you Both have to find a way to keep in touch


Yes it can if there is no equal efforts from both sides .


There’s nothing about efforts or less love


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