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Profile picture for Now&Me member @flavoured_venom

yeshwanth @flavoured_venom

Can i really come out of memories? Or is is not possible until i become a memory? Like a picture of mine hanging on the wall with plastic garland.!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jinendarranka
Profile picture for Now&Me member @snowflakes21
3 replies

Priya rai @teresa3

Heyy noo wait anything may happen …what If they come back…u have to be der R8…u must b Alive den.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jinendarranka

Jinendar Ranka @jinendarra...

You can never come out memories , until you accept the fact that you were just a memory for them

Think twice , acceptance is realisation o

Profile picture for Now&Me member @snowflakes21

Ebisnow21 @snowflakes21

Memories won’t leave until u destroy the reason you created them, ,like if you created a memory out of love destroy and throw away love, and give up the idea , it won’t hurt you ✨️


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