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Can I cry louder when I want to?? , I never been able to do this and ended to be alone😔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @justseeking
27 replies

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

Cry as loud as you can. No one’s gonna judge you.


I want to but , 😭 I’m afraid , I’m squished like hell 😣😫

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

Who’s stopping you. Why can’t you cry?


My situation,my family, my surroundings everything everything it’s feeling sick to me. I’m acting like I’m ok , but there is no ok in my mind 😔

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

Can’t you just go out, or go on terrace or lock yourself in the bathroom?


Noo , noo , I can’t go anywhere , I can’t go anywhere 😭I can’t lockup myself, I can’t cry in bathroom I can’t 😫

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

Then just keep everything to yourself.


Yes, I’m doing this , I’m too pressured mentally by showing my happy face

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

You don’t have friends?


How could I say I don’t have friends , but I don’t allow to talk to with friends and, here ( now a days)everything is need to be some reason to talk to with other, if you don’t call anyone, no one gonna call you too 😔


Even she is your best friend 😔

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

Hmm…i understand what you’re trying to say. Can you share me exactly why you’re feeling like this?


It’s so long (my story) do you want to listen it??

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

Sure, why not. Tell me.

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

I’m still waiting.


Sorry, for this behaviour 🙇‍♀️
Actually , I’m not allowed to use mobile for late night so I have to go that time 🙇‍♀️ I’m really sorry, without telling you 🙏.

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

It’s alright. You can tell now if you want to.


You want to listen?? 🙂 I’m happy to share you 🙂


What we talk here??

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

Your call. We can talk wherever you like.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @justseeking

Satyajit @justseeking

Yes, you can!


It’s hard, there no place 😫,I want to be alone I want to cry really badly 😫

Profile picture for Now&Me member @justseeking

Satyajit @justseeking

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