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3am ThoughtsThought


Can I be prettier and attractive?🥲
I feel so demotivated due to my looks and body shape, how can I improve myself?
Any suggestions that can help?
P.S. don’t tell that I’m perfect in myself because I know I need improvement but don’t know how!!!

10 replies

Do things that make you feel pretty. If you do things/wear things/say things that make you feel good about yourself, you will radiate confidence wherever you are. Confidence and self assurance is such an attractive trait no matter how a person appears outwardly. That confidence is what let’s you own a room and let’s people see that you’re someone worth their attention

Shizuka @nini2003

Very true


I just have one thing to say …You should know you’re beautiful just the way you are
And you don’t have to change a thing
The world could change its heart

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Do u really think u need that? U r telling u want to be attractive but it’s others who tell u if u r being is that other told u,u need improvement?


No, I think this only…


Why any specific reason?


I just want to improve myself to become the best version of me:))
That’s all!!


But u don’t want to do any extra effort.Eventually we evolve our better version with time.


U want best version .so u will require it both emotionally nd bodily. Even if u did it bodily,but what about emotionally? It only goes better with time nd experience .don’t u think so


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