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Vinny @goodly_dream_2

Can anyone tell how your life changed after moving on ?

6 replies

Well, this might seem strange, I have totally lost interest in women. Even though they show interest initially, I don’t even get interested to know that.
I mostly stay alone and enjoy it.

Vinny @goodly_dream_2

Very true lost interest in fall in love again and trusting someone and believing in them


And apart from that I become sceptical when people say anything good. It feels like either they are mocking me or they are just pretending.
It is like I no more trust people and do feel as if they are pretending.


Whenever I thought about love while in relationship i felt that joy and rush in me. Now post breakup even after moving on I think about love and i feel that I’m sinking drowning deep and that weird feeling in stomach and heart. Love is just a synonym of pain for me now. I completely cut everyone off. I’m on my own unless someone approaches. I don’t know who and how to trust anymore.


Yeah life like loveless trusting and falling again is hard but best thing happens when we won’t expect most

Magic will happens believe in it


Yes true. That’s what I live by now


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