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Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿ’ซโ˜ƒ๏ธ BONUS Task - The Finale: 20 Days of 2020 โ˜ƒ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ซ๐ŸŽ„

Your task for the day: Practice Forgiveness ๐Ÿค—

Practice forgiveness (Forgive people for the past incidents)

*As the year 2020 is nearing itโ€™s end, so is The 20 Day Challenge. Letโ€™s end things on a good note, and leave the things of past in the past. Letโ€™s start afresh โค๏ธ

After completing this task, post a picture of yourself smiling or simply share how you felt after doing it ๐ŸŒˆ

Pro Tip: Posting a picture/sharing your experience can lead to extra points. ๐Ÿ“ธ ๐Ÿ“

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nikita22
Profile picture for Now&Me member @khushiiii
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nityaa13
Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09
Profile picture for Now&Me member @youareimportant
Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra
18 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee


Firstly, with some hesitation, I forgive 2020 for being the disaster that it has been. I would like to close this not so cool chapter of my life on a happy note, though this year did not bring much happiness. I earlier believed that I would never forgive 2020, but this task made me give it a second thought, and here I am with this decision. Also, Iโ€™m forgiving my neighbour who annoys me too much by gossiping and acting as a CCTV camera of our apartment (I never thought I would forgive her, but everybody deserves a chance). I had already forgiven everyone else whom I wasnโ€™t in good terms with, on day 11 of Rewind Challenge, when I let go of all those incidents and all the negativity inside me. Now, Iโ€™ve no poison for anyone in my heart :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra


Amazing work forgiving people around you and finding your peace!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nikita22

Nikita Singh @nikita22


Forgiveness is much needed and I close 2020 I forgive each and everyone who had been a difficult person to deal with. I forgive all friends and mates who were bad at some point in time to me ! Forgiveness is the best because itโ€™s what you can do without seeking something in return

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra


Well said!
Keep it up :)


Itโ€™s something Iโ€™ve been working on for years now, trying to forgive my mum for what she did to me, betraying me, hurting me, lying to me. Tomorrow itโ€™ll be four years since she turned my life upside down but I understand her reasons. She hurt me but she meant well. Iโ€™m not sure Iโ€™ll ever be totally OK with what happened, but Iโ€™m doing my best to forgive her, She had her reasons and she meant well.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra


I hope everything turns out for the best, trying and making an effort is all that matters!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @khushiiii

KG @khushiiii


It was hard to forgive my best friend who left me bcoz of his relationship , his girlfriend used to envy our friendship IDK what exact reason was,
We knew each other past 14yrs
His family knew ours very well bcoz of us even our parents were upsent we ended on an unhappy note
Since then I never tried to contact him I dunno about him, 3 years later I moved to New state but then we met again he told me about his breakup coz his girlfriend thought he was cheating on her I still believe he is not that type of guy maybe misunderstanding n all it was so dramatic ssly likeโ€ฆ I didnโ€™t t knew how to react that timeโ€ฆ
after all we gave to our friendship second chance
And now itโ€™s like we are always mocking at each others๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
We are getting back like we were before so I think forgiveness somehow changed our bad situation
Becoming worse!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra


Thank you for sharing!

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra


Beautiful! โค๏ธ
Letting go at times is important for oneself.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nityaa13

As this year is just about to end ,I donโ€™t want to have any grievances against anyone i am angry with so I have forgiven all those people who betrayed me or ditched me after taking out their work be it academics or socially or for no reason even though i was their good friend, i want to have a fresh start and i donโ€™t want any negative feelings or thoughts continuing in the next year
Feeling much better now ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra


Love to hear that!
Keep it up with your efforts

Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09

Turtle @turtle09


2020 for me is life changing. I understood more about myself and its a start for my healing process. In this journey we always move forward even though we might fall few times its always the journey that is important. I forgive myself and all the people who dint know better at that particular time that they were hurting me in a way.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra


Thatโ€™s great โค๏ธ

Profile picture for Now&Me member @youareimportant

Amrinderpreet @youareimportant


I had a friend that have told others some bad stuff about me, and later she apologized. But I never wanted to give her another chance, but for sure I did add ber back and told her to be honest. Things wonโ€™t be same as before, but I reconnected with her and forgave her for her deeds.


I wrote down everything I want to forgive in my diary.
This involved a lot of forgiving myself for the times when I could have helped myself but didnโ€™t. And for the times when I could have put an effort but didnโ€™t. I leave all of it there, I forgive myself and move forward with a new hope , will and promise to truly help myself out and do what takes me towards my ultimate good.
Also I forgive my sister ,parents and grandma for some of those times when they couldnโ€™t understand me during my tough times. After all, ultimately it is them who make efforts to help me out and support me even if they go wrong sometimes ๐Ÿงก So I let it all go I forgive all of it.
Also I forgive myself for those times when I didnโ€™t behave, I am really sorry for those times but I forgive myself to be able to move forward and I move forward keeping in my mind that Iโ€™ll express myself authenticity but along with it will keep a check on my behavior.
And with that I forgive myself for it all.
I also forgive my sister for some of those days when she was too critical of meโ€ฆ I let go all of the emotional attachment with those times.
Yet my sister us my whole heart ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก
With this I forgive myself and everybody else!!! ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก
Feels gooood ๐Ÿงก


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