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Amandeep Kaur @aman111

#Body Shaming & Skin Shaming

My skin started reacting weird since teenage. I still having acne on my face & body. And everytime it made me embarassed when people pointed out my skin issues. Like… Yeh kya ho gya hai tumhare face ko …
At that time i made a pattern in my mind that i have skin problem. My skin is not normal. My confidence level became quite low. Meanwhile , i have consulted doctors … Taken treatments but nothing works for me.
After joining job, i lose weight also because of daily heactic routine, travelling in buses for 2-3 hours on daily basis. My health suffered alottt. And people reaction was … Sukki haddi …yeh woh 😊
So, no one look at the struggle you are doing … people just judge you on the basis of your physical appearance.

Current update : I accepted myself πŸ˜‡ Every morning, i stand in front of the mirror saying Aman you are the best. I am a beautiful Human Being. I’m Proud of myself . I love my skin. I love my body.
The Universe resides within me.
I have gained weight . My skin is also improving πŸ₯° Juss by believing that I am perfect , the way I am.
I Am ❀

There is no standard of beauty.
You are Beautiful , the way you are 😊


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6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888


You are doing amazing! Self-acceptance is something I learned it the hard way too so I can relate to you!

Amandeep Kaur @aman111


You know Pranav … There is always a pressure by society against girls to have clean & clear Skin 😊 I remember the words of a Aunt … She said , Girls skin should be spotless πŸ˜… Bcz Marriage bhi toh karni hai ☹️
I really feel pitty for such kind of people.
A woman is more than her body .
Kisi ke andar jo noor hai… Woh lok dekh hi nhi paate.

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Pranav @pranav888


That’s the most pathetic thing! Society Wale kuch na kuch bolenge hi! All girls should be loved, respected the same way irrespective of their shape, size and color!


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