20 Questions with Nitasha Biswas: A TransQueen; Interviewing Someone Who’s Transitioned

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Sarvika Aggarwal

06 October 2021

4 Mins

We interviewed Nitasha Biswas who is a beauty queen and a Trans Icon. She is charming and remarkable; a celebrity in her own right. This is our version of 20 questions with Nitasha:

Where did you grow up? How many members did your family have? Who was your favourite family member?

I have grown up with art and literature. Seeing Durga Puja over the years and the cultural heritage of my city that lives within me that is Kolkata.

Did you ever choose any art form as an outlet?

Yes, it was dance. I loved dancing to Bollywood songs.

What do you like to do to unwind?

A nice glass of lemonade on a beach or a mountain resort does it.

When did you discover your true gender identity?

At quite a young age.

When did you elect to transition?

I always knew I was caught in the body I was born with. But I had to finish my education and grow at the same time too. It was in my later school days I transitioned and finally at College in New Delhi.

If you would like to, please share your emotional and mental state during the transition?

(Happy/excited/confused. Please elaborate)

Going through a Hormonal Replacement Therapy means an overflow of lots of emotional challenges and changes. It’s like nurturing your mind and it’s very difficult to control. It’s a journey of emotions and patience over a lot of time to become the woman you choose to be.

How has your family reacted to the transition?

Initially, my family was not ready to accept my decision but over the time my father accepted me. But others didn’t.

How important do you think education is to remove the stigma around Transsexuality?

Education plays a very important role in our lives. Education can change the world and allow acceptance to prevail with love. Education should be replaced with weapons to change.

What/Who made you truly believe that your journey was neither good nor bad, it simply was necessary?

My inner conscience lead me to live the life I wanted to. This big decision has to be taken by oneself because no one will make the decision for you.

At the end of the day it’s your own decision. It’s very important to live the life we have to the fullest.

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Witty, Pretty and Smart

What is your ideal Saturday night?

A nice dinner with lots of banter and laughs. A good night's sleep. I sleep early.

Do you have a signature cocktail recipe, you’d like to share with our readers?

Well for me it’s virgin mojito. I add pink salt to make it healthier.

Where do you see your life in 5 years?

I see myself as a successful Bollywood actor to have embarked on a journey where more trans girls can follow their dreams.

Your ideal holiday destination would be...

Switzerland or France

Your guilty pleasure is...

chocolates but try to avoid as much

Beauty to you is...

in the eyes of the beholder

Your spirit animal is...

pocket puppy. They are so cute. I want one.

What is your favourite song?

These days, “A new day has come” - Celine Dion

What would you tell your 15 year old self?

Thank god you discovered your true identity.

Do you have any advice for trans youth?

Very important to live your life with containment and pride. Be honest. Do not fear to show your true self and be who you are. Remember beauty comes in all shapes and sizes so just follow your dreams. You will live it.

Do you have any words of encouragement for anyone transitioning?

I know the journey I have sailed through, so just have faith in yourself be proud to have achieved what you have. Be brave, be strong and remind yourself regularly to be kind. If you are good to others you will get that back. You are a queen already.

Nitasha has transitioned now and is an aspiring Bollywood actress. She’s lovely and warm.

According to Walter Bockting, in The Impact of Stigma on Transgender Identity Development and Mental Health, “Research has established the association between discrimination and psychological distress, with family support, identity pride, and particularly peer support serving as protective factors.” There continues to be a lack of better understanding on how stigma is generated and transmitted, and how we can use that to combat the taboo.

You too can inspire change, by sharing your story on the Now&Me LGBTQQIA+ forum.

We hope that every reader, trans or otherwise, truly understands that life is too short and living as your true authentic self is where it’s at in 2019.

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