Best Therapy Questions Therapists Tend to Ask

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16 February 2024

9 Mins

Beyond just words, therapists help their clients discuss not just the subject matter but also the complexities of the person, the therapeutic process, and the deeper quality of the relationship. In this process, asking the right and deep questions plays an important role in understanding what is going on in their client’s minds.

In this blog, we have prepared the most useful and effective questions asked by therapists in therapy sessions. Read on to learn about these thought-provoking questions.

10 Common Questions Therapists Often Ask

To break the ice in a conversation, therapists usually start with the most common therapy questions about your health, daily life, and family or relationships to make you comfortable and relaxed. Before attending therapy sessions, you may always think about the questions to ask a therapist, but it is also important that you know about the questions a therapist may ask you. So, here are some of the therapist questions to explore:

  1. What brings you here today?
  2. How are you feeling today?
  3. How was your week?
  4. What is your sleep routine?
  5. What has been on your mind lately?
  6. How are your relationships with your family?
  7. What have you been stressed about lately?
  8. What are your future goals?
  9. Has there been any change in your appetite lately?
  10. How do you usually go about managing your life challenges and daily struggles?

Through these questions, therapists want to help you take control of your progress and make positive changes in your life. By asking the above questions, they are encouraging you to be responsible for your growth and turn the things you learn in therapy into real actions in your everyday life.

10 Therapy Questions for Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are becoming more common issues these days due to our fast-paced lives and bizarre challenges related to work and relationships. To understand these issues better, therapists ask the following questions to give you better treatment.

  1. What has changed in recent times that makes you feel there are symptoms of depression/anxiety?
  2. Have you ever noticed what triggers your low anxiety?
  3. Do you feel unenergetic throughout the day?
  4. Are you currently dealing with any feelings of hopelessness?
  5. Who is your support system in your family?
  6. How actively do you manage stress in your life?
  7. What activities do you enjoy most when feeling anxious?
  8. How often do you have negative thoughts?
  9. How do you practice self-compassion in your life?
  10. Have you noticed any physical symptoms when you are stressed?

These questions are valuable tools in therapy for depression, helping people explore their experiences, identify strengths and weaknesses, and develop practical strategies for coping and recovery. Through open dialogue and collaborative exploration, one can gain insight into their condition, build resilience, and cultivate a greater sense of well-being.

10 Solution-Focused Therapy Miracle Questions

Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) therapeutic approach focuses on identifying and using your strengths and resources to create solutions. Unlike traditional approaches that focus on the past, this therapeutic method highlights the present and the aspirations that propel us forward.

  1. What would life look like if a miracle changed your current situation?
  2. Can you imagine a day without the current problem you face?
  3. If your biggest problem vanished tomorrow, what is the first sign of positive change you would notice?
  4. How do other people notice positive changes in your life?
  5. If your problem goes away, how would you spend your time differently?
  6. What actions would you take when all your concerns were resolved?
  7. What small changes in your routine would you make to bring about a positive shift?
  8. What positive things do you do every day?
  9. What do you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel at the moment?
  10. What is the first step you can take towards positive change?

These questions in Solution-Focused Therapy help elicit your hopes, goals, and aspirations. When envisioning a future without your current problems, you can tap into your inner resources, clarify your priorities, and develop actionable strategies for achieving positive change.

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10 SFBT Questions

SFBT stands for Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, which is a goal-oriented and future-focused therapeutic approach that helps you identify and find solutions to your problems. Instead of dwelling on the negatives, this therapy focuses on your strengths and what's already working well in a positive, forward-thinking conversation. In SFBT, therapists use techniques like problem-solving conversations, asking questions, and progress scales to make the process engaging and impactful.

Here are some questions to ask as a therapist:

  1. What are your biggest wishes or dreams?
  2. Do you want to change anything in your life?
  3. How do you keep yourself happy?
  4. Do you notice any problems at work or at home?
  5. Has there ever been a time when you felt everything was okay?
  6. What do you feel about your past?
  7. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  8. What is success for you?
  9. Which emotion do you want to avoid that causes problems?
  10. What is one action you will take to make a change in your future?

These therapy questions are designed to shift your focus from problems to effective solutions. With an exploration of goals and aspirations, SFBT helps you identify actionable steps and build confidence in creating meaningful change in your lives.

10 CBT Therapy Questions to Ask Clients

CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which is rooted in the idea that our thoughts influence our feelings and behaviors, and by recognizing and changing negative thought patterns, we can develop healthy coping mechanisms and achieve positive outcomes. In CBT, therapist questions are used to explore how you see yourself, others, and the future, like having a chat to understand your thoughts better. It's your story, and these CBT questions are the keys to shaping it for the better.

  1. What thoughts are you having right now?
  2. How do those thoughts make you feel?
  3. Can you notice any negative thoughts at this moment?
  4. How can you say that your thoughts are true?
  5. Where and when do you start getting negative feelings?
  6. Do you feel any physical sensations, like shaking, when having negative thoughts?
  7. How do you respond when someone hurts you?
  8. What thoughts go through your mind after having a conflict?
  9. Do you feel any kind of negativity in your surroundings?
  10. Are there any people in your life who make your behavior worse?

These questions help people figure out thoughts that pop into their heads automatically or thoughts that aren't totally true. When they recognize and question these negative thoughts, it helps them understand how their mind works better.

10 Music Therapy Interview Questions

Music therapy isn't as widespread as other therapies, but it's a trusted method to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs using rhythm, melody, and harmony. It helps with emotional expression, reduces stress, stimulates cognitive skills and physical rehabilitation, promotes social connection, enhances communication skills, and is particularly beneficial for people with autism.

Now, let's explore these therapist questions to understand the therapeutic potential of music in your life.

  1. How does music impact your mood?
  2. What genres or artists do you enjoy?
  3. Have you used music to get over a heartbreak?
  4. What are the specific songs you enjoy with meaning?
  5. What are your musical preferences and dislikes?
  6. How do you feel when listening to music?
  7. Do you feel relatable to certain lyrics?
  8. Have you ever played an instrument?
  9. How can music support your goals or plans?
  10. Can you remember a memorable musical experience?

These questions help you think about how music affects not just how you feel but also your body, emotions, and inner well-being. It shows that music therapy has a positive impact on your entire self—body, mind, and spirit—and helps you feel good in many different ways.

10 Examples of Narrative Therapy Questions

Narrative therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on the stories that people tell about their lives. This type of therapy believes that there is no "right" reality and that you can change and improve your story. Narrative therapy questions help you explore your experiences, see things from different angles, and find your strengths.

Here are some of the counseling questions to know:

  1. How does a personal or professional issue impact your daily life?
  2. What story do you tell yourself to feel motivated?
  3. Can you share a moment when you were adaptable or open to change?
  4. Who else plays a major role in your story?
  5. Do you see any of your issues changing over time?
  6. Can you share a story about a time you overcame a challenge?
  7. What does your preferred future look like in your life story?
  8. In the script of your life, what are the important scenes that shape your identity?
  9. Can you describe a moment when you felt empowered and in control?
  10. What alternative ending can you imagine for your current story?

These questions help you think about the stories you believe about yourself and your life, which affect how you see yourself and the world around you. When you notice how outside influences shape these stories, you can start to question what makes you feel limited or not good enough. This way, you can create new stories that better reflect who you are and what you want in life.

How Can Now&Me Help?

Are you looking for the right support for your mental health? No worries, because Now&Me can help with the right therapy by connecting you to a team of experts in different areas. These experts, including therapists, counselors, psychologists, and coaches, are here to support you with various challenges like mental health, relationships, or a career.

You can have one-on-one sessions or join group discussions in a safe and private community. Now&Me aims to create a supportive community, giving you personalized advice and strategies to improve your mental health.

To get started, download the Now&Me app and start your journey toward feeling better.

You do not have to manage everything alone; talk to a professional expert and get the required help for free.

Now&Me articles are written by experienced mental health contributors and are purely based on scientific research and evidence-based practices, which are thoroughly reviewed by experts, including therapists and psychologists with various specialties, to ensure accuracy and alignment with current industry standards.

However, it is important to note that the information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Individual circumstances vary, and it is advisable to consult with a qualified mental health professional for personalized advice and guidance.



The questions therapists ask often start with simple ones like, How are you feeling today? What brings you here? to understand what is on your mind.

Counselors ask questions to explore your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Therefore, they inquire about your challenges, coping strategies, and goals to provide support.

The big 5 questions may vary with your personal challenges but generally cover topics like emotions, relationships, stressors, coping methods, and future goals to understand various aspects of your life.

Leading questions are questions that guide your thoughts in a certain direction to suggest what the answer could be. Instead of being neutral, they may lead you to respond in a specific way. Therapists usually avoid these because they want you to share your thoughts without feeling controlled.

The most important question varies for each person. However, a common one is How can I help you? Through this, therapists want to understand your needs and work collaboratively to support your wellbeing.

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