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bitter truth could hurt you but their sweet lie will keep hurting you without letting you know

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fatouma73
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @fatouma73

fatouma73 @fatouma73

what kind of like do you have dear to understand this theory


i dint get your question

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fatouma73

fatouma73 @fatouma73

to understand this theory you must have a difficult life


we cant presume how hard and difficult someone 's life is from their one thought on any social platform,and yeahh its just that while going through some mental emotional battles i have been learning difference between ppl’s fake pity ,lies and truth at the same time

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fatouma73

fatouma73 @fatouma73

i know that
but do you know when you have difficulties you understand more things about life


im not really sure waht you want to say exactly ,that iam not supposed to say such sorta thinsg as you know im living happy life or just letting me know that casually


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