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Bit confused because I have felling for my bestfriend like bestest but she don’t actually she too but i guess she doesn’t want to accept that bec in my opinion she os affraid of relationship or say end result of relationship and me too thinks same that what if it didn’t work i can’t lose her because after a breakup things do changes and none of u want that change but still i have very strong feelings for her so basically it’s all fucked up, very confused

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Just tell her how you feel man before it’s too late!


oh actually she knows we talked about that and yes there was awkwardness for 2-3days but that’s something which neither of us wanted between us so again we talked and yes i told her that this feelings are all mine i can’t suppress them neither i want to but yes this friendship is also something which i just can’t giveup so whatever u say and then she told me that,“friendship is there like yes you are my bestest friend but no feeling for you and also just don’t want relationship because eventually you would get hurt which i don’t want at all”. So i was like okay it’s fine but still we used to talk for hours and that feeling for her is just inducing in me and i sense that the case with her too but she won’t agree as again in her mind it’s her mindset that whatif relationship doesn’t work it would end each and everything whichever is between us and yes somewhere that thing horrify me too …


it’s like she discovered that i have felling for her and then things were awkward for a day or 2 then we met and discussed the tooic of awkwardness but yes then in that discussion I confessed her like ya i have feelings for u and so…


man she already knew that things and me too knew that she had nothing more than friendship but our friendship was getting affected like our whole group was hanging out but she was avoiding eye contact’s she was kinda ignoring me and then next day we all have were just dancing and so there also she was awkward to dance with me so basically the thing was she was thinking alot in small small things we used to do before she knew anything and after her behaviour i was like okay if she need time it’s okay i will talk to her whenever she is ready and yes this all ignorance was way disturbing her that she came to me after wards and told me that we need to talk so next we meet and talked things


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