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Profile picture for Now&Me member @memadeline

Anabelle @memadeline

Being a girl n living in India is a combination thats terrifying. Not only the increasing crimes but the fact that we’re not safe in our own houses is so saddening. Whenever I’ve asked a girl that have you ever wished you were a boy the answer was slways Yes. By writing this I don’t mean to say that boys don’t face any problems or stuff like that. I’m just trying to say that life of an Indian girl is so tough that it can’t be described in words. The stares we have to face regularly while walking on the road even when we’re wearing full sleeves clothes n jeans feels so creepy n disheartening. Not only teenagers but old men too are included in this list of stares. It feels like our body is not normal but we’re aliens that everyone needs to get a look of. In a country where girls are worshipped in many forms of goddesses we face this struggle of simply walking on the road. We don’t feel safe while walking on the road. Thats very ironic. I hope that our generation teaches our sons to be better than this to make this world a safer place.

7 replies

Jayesh @jayeshb20

Feels sorry


World will be a better place. Not only females but the males and LGBT everyone will need to speak up. Not only for themselves but for everyone.
Being a boy I also came across such things but I understand how difficult it is for girls. But don’t get sad everything will be fine.
There are many good people here too, try to see them and you will be able to ignore the bad ones.
Just stay safe, stay good. You are not alone.


Everyone hast to work together against this thing. When we get to hear we’re not alone it gives us some hope. Thank you for sharing your thoughts 💖


And if, you want to talk about anything, we can talk. 👍


Yeah sure thanks💖


Welcome ❤️

. @somesortofpanda

hey! more power to you girl. and remember true people are always by your side. do talk about things like this more. people need it.


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