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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Being a divorcee with a kid and great job but have stay with parents as they want to show the society that they are supportive but in reality, they taunt you everyday stating that I didn’t think of their social status and came out for seperation. Bonus, have a younger brother who sits at home without any job and talks nonsense.

Why can’t people accept that seperation is completely fine than staying back in a toxic relationship to kill themselves someday?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer888
7 replies

I understand your pain, but if this happens to you everyday try moving out of that household it will help you and yiur kid to grow more.

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You earn enough for both of you then why you have to stay with them for the sake of the society. I mean you already been through something and I’m sure you don’t need more problems in life. Why don’t you think of leaving seprate from them. Because you deserve peace and so do your child deserves normal atmosphere while growing up.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer888

Wanderer @wanderer888


Separation is way better than being in that pickle of toxicity! That being said, one should try every way to work it for the betterment of both. But, certain limits and standards should never be pushed!

You’re doing great already! πŸ€—βœŒοΈ I can understand your parents concern though, but it’s okay. They didn’t bear it all like you did. Try to tell them in confidence (at least to mom) about your plans, and even you don’t have any at all, it will be alright too. It’s just for the sake of the kid, they should understand as it will affect him/ her.

It will take time, but it will be okay. Things need time to settle… and these are not easy at all! Peace and hugs! πŸ€—β™₯️


Hope she would have been that understanding. If you have such parents then I envy you. When I tried to tell my mom on what happened, she said that I would have went through it as I was a female in the relationship. Don’t worry, they don’t have anything to do neither with me nor my kid. Trying to move out of the country so that I never comeback to someone who loves to taunt me and make my life miserable. Hope that works out soon.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer888

Wanderer @wanderer888


Can understand! More power to you πŸ‘πŸ‘


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