Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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β€ΊMental Healthβ€ΊThought


Before, I want to be understood. But now, I just want to be heard. I’m tired of living like this, always depressed and anxious. Nobody from my family knows what I truly feel. And I made poor decision in my studies since I’m mentally and emotionally unstable. Now that I’m facing the consequences, I still can’t open up to my parents or even to my closest friends. I’ve distanced myself for too long and I don’t know how can I tell them that I’m not okay and this is what I am going through right now. I just bottled up everything until I’m drowning.

6 replies

Hope everything becomes fine soon 😊
Believe in miracles it might come true…
Just be yourself πŸ’›


hey , i get it , i truly do but bottling your emotions up like this isn’t gonna help you with anything , sure sometimes you feel like a burden but you have to learn to express what you’re feeling and not just suffer in silence, whatever it is , im here for you okay ? you matter and you’ll do great , give it time , maybe try art or something you love to do and you haven’t done it in a long time , its okay to not be okay but try to understand what you’re feeling and have an impact on others <3


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