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Been strong for a long time.
Today i just gave up.

3 replies

Whats bothering u my friend?


Know that sometimes, to keep going on, u have to give up, however much that might hurt, but dont give up on life. Give up on toxic people, the toxic diet, the toxic lifestyle, the toxic habits. But not on LIFE. Life is beautiful my friend, you’ve got to learn a lot. But giving up in between sometimes is okay. It doesn’t mean that you’re not strong enough, it means u have the courage to face your potential. That u accept who you are. And that next time life challenges you, you’re prepared. You’re mature.
I hope i could help a bit. Sending strength and power to u my friend. Take some time to recover, but make a comeback so strong that you’d past you couldn’t even imagine. Warm hugs. ❤️


It did help me.


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