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Been in a relationship with someone for 10 years now we are taking a break he says he needs to get it out of his system but he loves me. He is now going out meeting woman and going out with them texting and talking all the time. We still talk we still have sex but he doesnt want to get back together till things change. We had problems in our relationship and i get some were me and how i delt with things but this is crazy. I just saw tect thay he is meeting someone tomorrow on a date. That he just meet on Friday say how she cant wait to hug him and kiss him. I dont know how to feel howcan he tell me he loves me but then do all this. Is ut stupid to think we could ever work this out?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @good_day
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ujjwals
5 replies

That person is treating u like an emotional backup… don’t fall for this, this will not workout if u keep urself available for him all the time


Going through same emotional trauma… how guys treat the one they used to love before like trash… they won’t love you nor leave you… he’l come back to you whenever he is lonely…or needs something…
I know how much it hurts and leaves you shattered…take care of yourself…take help if possible…


Listen up
Cut him out now
Go on date I suggest find the ri8 guy who will love u
He is just using you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @good_day

Good Day @good_day

Use the mirror technique to get her attention instantly.

Men and women express love in different ways.

That’s perfectly fine, but it creates a problem when you expect someone to show their love one way and they actually show it another way.

Men are often physical lovers. They can give you compliments or small gifts.

Whatever your man does to express affection, you should mirror him!

Think about how he shows his love to you and imitate that. When you do this, you will immediately see how happy and connected he feels with you.

This is just the beginning of the devotion Amy has developed with women through her online program, but once you taste it, you can’t stop!

Full information click here 👇👇

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ujjwals

Ujjwal @ujjwals

Doesn’t seem like it will work. 7 year of itch showing up.


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