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Rahul @lonely_lucky

Beautiful Poetic Message -

I feel I want to go back in time…

Not to change things, but to feel a couple of things twice…

I wish I was a baby for a while…

Not to be walked in the pram but to see my mother’s smile…

I wish I could go back to school…

Not to become a child but to spend more time with those friends I never met after school…

I wish I could be back in college…

Not to be a rebel but to really understand what I studied…

I wish I was a fresher at my workplace…

Not to do less work but to recall the joy of the first pay cheque…

I wish I could marry again all over…

Not to change my partner but to ‘feel’ the ceremony better…

I wish my kids were younger…

Not because they grew up fast but to play with them a bit more…

I wish I’ll still have some more time to live…

Not to have a longer life but to know what I can give others…

Since the times that have gone by can never come back,

let’s enjoy the moments as we live them from now on,
to the fullest…

Let’s Celebrate our Life - Every Moment, Every Day…!

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