aziza @v4l1dbl3ss1ngs
I hate my teeth. They removed the mask mandate but I still wear my mask. I just feel like I can never smile because my teeth look so bad. I keep asking my parents to get me a dentist appointment but it’s like my mom always gets pissed when I ask her. People always ask me to take my mask down but I just can’t. I feel like they’ll think of me differently because of my teeth.
aziza @v4l1dbl3ss1ngs
It really didn’t matter, but now that I’m in like 8th grade it’s a lot more harsh now
aziza @v4l1dbl3ss1ngs
I’ve seen people go off on my one friend for her teeth it’s not cool but I’m not tryna deal with that stuff
aziza @v4l1dbl3ss1ngs
I really appreciate this! I’d just feel a lot more confident if I didn’t have to be the odd one out wearing the mask just to cover my teeth. I think I’ll try asking again because spring break is near and hopefully they’ll consider getting me to the dentist