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Background-Info: I’ve always felt very lonely for the past years. Never felt like I was part of a (friend-)group, never really had a serious relationship and I’ve never been very outgoing so far.
I was pretty much all by myself with my problems, thoughts etc. It was sort of a self-destructive phase aswell.

Met this girl, who I genuinely love talking to. Also knew from the beginning that she has a boyfriend, so I told my brain to stay calm and be friends with her. Some time went by, we talked a lot, met up a couple times, texting/talking to each other pretty much everyday and she introduced me into her friendgroup, which I am now kinda a part of (all that is new to me.)

To keep this short: I have a crush on her. I have all those butterflies in my stomach when I think or talk to her. I sometimes catch myself smiling non-stop by the thought her. It sounds like no big thing if I write this, but it’s different. I’ve never felt this way for anybody else. I gotta admit: Normally it’s almost just the looks. But not her. It’s everything about her. Her looks (duh), her personality, the way she talks, her voice, those lovely little things she does, the way she texts, her social skills, how excited she gets etc. She’s probably the dream-girl I’ve ever wanted.

Well and then there are moments, where those butterflies decide to play war: The moment I remember she’s taken. And they’re happy. No, I won’t move a single muscle trying to manipulate their relationship, I just won’t, because it’s wrong. And I wouldn’t want anybody else to do that in my non-existent-relationship. It feels like a deep punch in my heart, followed by the feeling of emptiness, followed by frustration and bitterness (which led me here).

To make this clear: I want her in my life, even if we’re just friends. She’s an amazing person and that sort of person I always wanted, romantically or just as a friend.
I don’t know if it’s just me being afraid of ending up alone again when I do anything, thinking of what she’s brought into my life. Or if I just want some comfort.

PS: I have no idea how y’all keep your posts so short. Also I don’t know what to expect really. I don’t even know what I hope to achieve with this.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @andreconchas
Profile picture for Now&Me member @deceivedayp
Profile picture for Now&Me member @knowshowitfeelslike
6 replies

I love your post. I’m sorry to say I love your pain. Your pain is the type of pain most people should want to have because too many of us won’t not manipulate a relationship. Too many of us live thinking about why we deserve someone or something and go for it. Not thinking, am I gaining this in an honest way? Is dishonesty the only way I can have good things in life? And if that’s the case, can I truly accept the good things or good people I gained with manipulation and dishonesty? I rather it come naturally. I am accepting of most important things if and when it isn’t forced or manipulated. I love your pain.

PS : no clue how they keep it short.


Here’s what you get-

1. We hear you.
2. You feel heard by all these anonymous messages.

Now to the important part: The girl
Don’t let her go man! Before checking if she’s actually the dream girl you wanted.

Listen to your gut feeling… you can never lie to yourself.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @andreconchas

Omg! Such a love story.
You know, I just think that for respect, and also to don’t lose her, you should be only her friend while she has a boyfriend. I can imagine how hard that can be but it’s the best for everyone I think.
Also, I have been in that exact position as you. I know how it feels. I had never be in love since kindergarten and then I met him, and fell blindly in love. He was older than me for a year, we met each other in a tipic Mexican dance workshop, we went to different contests and have very cute experiences together. In those times he had a girlfriend, but turns out I later knew that he was actually in love with me during those times too! He broke up with his girlfriend the next year, and seemed like he still liked me but for then, I already had a boyfriend. I ended up booking up with him because I fell in love with a version of someone he pretended to be around me. Now we’re both single and I kind of love/hate him, and I think he still likes for the way he talks and looks at me.
Enjoy her presence as a friend, with time she probably will break up with his boyfriend so, don’t worry.

Ps: sorry if my story was innecesary😅

Profile picture for Now&Me member @deceivedayp

Alex @deceivedayp

Gotta say, I admire the self restraint. I get it bro, one look at my profile pic pretty much points me out as broken, lonely, and unwanted. Keep it up bro, keep the distance and she’ll respect that. If that relationship doesn’t go well then maybe you can pick her back up. I know what it’s like to love someone for the first time in FOREVER. I know what it’s like to not be outgoing. But there are people like you and I. If that doesn’t work out, she doesn’t deserve you. Our time will come my friend, people like us will be the happiest there is.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @knowshowitfeelslike

Sanjay @knowshowitfeelslik...

I suggest you please don’t express your feelings to her if she’s in a relationship please.
Nothing will happen,will regret it

I had same situation
She is in relationship and i knew that but I expressed my feelings to her and now it been a year I haven’t seen or talked to her
And we were bestfriends and people used to say that they are dating each other, …

In your situation you hold a moment of talking to her and if she had a brokeup with that guy in future
Then you can make her comfortable and also you can express your feelings

Maybe this helps :)


the good thing is u got a grp of frnds to talk to. and an amazing person that u cant lose and be sure u wont lose her

just go with a flow
if she meant to be urs she will surely come backkk


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