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Attached with someone online, they being sweet. Really feeling bad now, tho I am the one who avoid talking, and they coming first, it still happened. Only as a friend but still Duhfffggghf. And when I know there are many people who matter for them than me, I am not the only one, nor I matter nowhere than others are so important to them. Still djggdhf I didn’t want to see this day to myself, feeling jealous of those people. This? Not with this person arfhfh. It’s just bad for me.

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Oh okay… everyone has good and bad sides. It’s both for them


People really underestimate jealousy in friendships
It feels more when you are an introvert and don’t open up that easily


Yeah lol

Abhishek❣️ @abhishek4u

Or karo, bateein, bola tha chup chaap shadi karlo, 😂😂😂🤣


Arey waisa nahi hai. But our friend is our lol. They should get married now. Everything will be fine 😄

Abhishek❣️ @abhishek4u

Ab toh ho gyi uski shaadi, aap toh ab nagin dance ki tyarri kro 😂


Wahi toh Shadi hi toh nahi karni kisiko… But ye jealousy. Lol I wish I had more friends than indulging in such things🥲

Abhishek❣️ @abhishek4u

Abe chal chal ro ke mood na kharab kar 🥺 mera 😂🤣


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