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Profile picture for Now&Me member @toxichousehold2

🧸🎀 @toxichousehold2

At this point I’d rather be depressed and feel intense sadness. I’m currently just lost and numb I can’t feel anything, why am I like that? I used to be very sensitive and now I simply don’t feel anything at all

Profile picture for Now&Me member @toxichousehold2
9 replies

yep i can totally relate woth u dude… earlier even i was quite sensitive and emo kind of person but sometimes u have to be this numb person for ur own good…i know many will disagree but building a wall is sometimes better than getting affected by small things in life

Profile picture for Now&Me member @toxichousehold2

🧸🎀 @toxichousehold2

I never chose to be numb, it’s simply happening


oh sorry dude…may be its better to just sit with your thoughts and try to access them…it can’t be a sudden trigger

Profile picture for Now&Me member @toxichousehold2

🧸🎀 @toxichousehold2

Well I always do it but now it feels like my mind is in a rush, everything is overwhelming and I can’t hear myself


yep I know its easier to talk than to face it but maybe something must be there which is causing…if u can just express your thoughts more vividly maybe u will feel better

Profile picture for Now&Me member @toxichousehold2

🧸🎀 @toxichousehold2

I’m tired of always talking but it was fun yesterday, I’m not even like that when I’m drunk


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