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At the end of ending my 10 year old relationship and I’ve been friends with him for 6 years before that. So In total I’ve known Him for 16 years.

Now how did we come here? Lots of u matched expectations. I always thought we are so chill but I craved for that typical date nights and typical gooey couple stuff which he couldn’t provide cuz it’s not within him to provide me that. I have started expecting things from him which I knew is not in him to provide so I’m wrong there. But my basic needs even after explaining aren’t being met. Plus we are not married yet and we thought of getting married 3 years back but our families didn’t like each other and that was another hassle for us to deal with. Now that we both know we are sinking south his issue is that we have known each other so long and known in and out and that opportunity will never arise again if we go find another partner. And our social circles are intertwined obviously so how will we face the world. There will be consequences - he says. Is that the reason I should stay? I’m just tooo numb and too lost and too sad that we’ve arrived here and not able to accept it.

26 replies

Time will let you know the answers for all the questions that u have in your mind


How and when? I’m running out of patience.


Did you communicate your needs and expectations with him?


Multiple times. He says he has needs and expectations as well which are not met whenever I raise my expectations.


Is he willing to atleast try meeting your needs in the future?

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There was scope of marriage. But now we feel like instead of growing together we have grown apart.

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That I should accept him the way he is and his quirks and not complain about it. I should take charge of activities and planning evening and travel plans etc. I should take charge all of it.

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No not financially. Like taking charge of plans and going out and other activities

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Leave him . Not worth it . He seems like he’s using u


Lol 😂 u are wearing the pants in the relationship. He manipulated u to such level



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He’s not attracted to u . He sees u as a friend. And u took your friendship in a wrong manner


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