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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vairagi

Satyam @vairagi

At beginning there was nothing with infinite possibilities
Then one day out of nothing a Consciousness awaken it also create a sense of time I don’t know how its happened but somehow that emptydark energy turn into a creative energy then he start expending he create infinite realities with infinite universe infinite galaxies with infinite planets and so on but still there is something missing there is no one apart to watch his Marvales peace of art so he create life at time gone by life evolve we are living in 3rd evolution as a human kind and soon gonna evolve into full cyborg dm me if wanna know more

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vairagi
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @vairagi

Satyam @vairagi

Dm me if you have any questions


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