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Profile picture for Now&Me member @gypsy

Gypsy @gypsy

As you get older you will realize that all theirs affairs and relationships are a huge trap.

When you want freedom in life, you will feel so suffocated due to these relationships. .

Nothing is as important as Freedom.

Don’t give it away just for a glance, or a touch or a climax. Freedom is infinitely more valueable.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tokyo21
Profile picture for Now&Me member @gypsy
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @tokyo21

minie @tokyo21

It took me some years to realise this but atlast iam here realising this true thing and i guess a bit happy

Profile picture for Now&Me member @gypsy

Gypsy @gypsy

Yes. Well done.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @gypsy

Gypsy @gypsy



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