Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Mental IllnessThought


As I have grown up I was taught what depression and anxiety were. So when I experienced them I wasn’t very scared as I had been educated about each of them. Derealization is something I never learned about and I think that’s why it scares me so much. I almost find comfort in my disassociated mindset, less anxious, and overall just detached from my feelings that typically aren’t so positive. Derealization has caused quite a bit of fear in my life though. People don’t talk about it and I feel like I can’t because I always get those eyes that tell me they (referring to whoever the other person I would be telling) don’t believe me OR think I’m crazy. I just wanted to write this message in hopes that one person will feel less alone or alien-ish for having these feelings.

1 reply

Thank you so much for writing it down and putting it out there. Not many people realize this. I wish more people did. They think I’m lazy, not wanting to move on with what all that has happened.


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