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Women EmpowermentThought

Avni @avni

As a women, most of us have seen women in our families and in general, have a hard time in this world. We have seen their sufferings and sorrows. But, I have also witnessed first hand manipulation of gender and victimhood to distort facts and play the women card in order to get a clean chit. Its sickening, appalling and disgusting to witness and go through.

5 replies

i think the idea of patriarchy is practiced and preached in a different way nowdays.


True. We need to victimize victims not women.


Women, I feel are more enlightened and respectable because they know what they’ve been through.

Khushboo @khushboo

In patriarchy society, males are given more importance as compared to females. Men are considered to be so elegant, change makers as well as decision makers. On the other hand,women are considered to be made weak and incapable of taking their own decisions. But luckily ,all these mischiefs are reducing in our society now and women are given importance. A time will come when there will be no minor differences among both of them.


I think being women and completing the role of women itself is a big and hectic task . You have to act according to the the so called norms , rules and regulations of the society , you doesn’t feel free to act your own. Your society (which from inside doesn’t want you to achieve big in your life) accept so much from you and that’s way it restricts you too. Even we have seen in families that boys are much loved than girls in their family. Its really hard time for women from ages ,but we can best for hope and atleast can start it with our own home.


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