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Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa

Isha @issa

What the f***!!
So I attempted physics mock test and I’m so annoyed rn bro I got only 43/100.
I actually solved 100+ qts of that chp and that too pyqs and my concepts were clear too…
But the paper was literally so tough, the pyqs were comparatively easy!!
I prepared 2 weeks for it huhh and what I got 43!!!
I gave my best this time, I’m just so disappointed!!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhakti_a_psycho
Profile picture for Now&Me member @abishek456
Profile picture for Now&Me member @harish_swami
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kian8
Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa
16 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhakti_a_psycho

Bhaktamm @bhakti_a_psycho


Ohh, I feel bad for you. I have a physics exam tomorrow and haven’t studied anything lol

Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa

Isha @issa


us 😭🀌

Profile picture for Now&Me member @abishek456

Anonymous @abishek456


Now time to leave the study…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa

Isha @issa


kuch bhi…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @abishek456

Anonymous @abishek456


It’s good for you…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa

Isha @issa


πŸ˜‘I’m so annoyed pls don’t make it worse

Profile picture for Now&Me member @abishek456

Anonymous @abishek456


OK ok calm…

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Priyansh @priyansh_11


Well m so sorry for that bt the best part is u did prepare and u worked hard for that 43 for us that 43 is not evn 50% of marks scored bt v nvr knew the difficulty of the paper and when v get to that 43 would look like way more and the way u describe that the paper was tough if u didn’t prepare u might hav failed so instead b happy that u tried your best and next time try harder girl

Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa

Isha @issa


well I agree but the thing is it makes me demotivated that despite of trying I can’t even get 50?

Priyansh @priyansh_11


Well u can always try instead of being demotivated take it as a motivation as in what isn’t letting u score overcome such challenges rise and shine girl

Profile picture for Now&Me member @harish_swami

Harish @harish_swami


May be you have another talent than study

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kian8

Kian @kian8


Maybe this paper didn’t go well for you that’s fine and the big positive is as you said you are clear with the concepts soniy will definitely help in some way or the other for your future exams ✌🏻

Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa

Isha @issa



Profile picture for Now&Me member @kian8

Kian @kian8



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