Are you providing him with pleasant feminine energy, sex whenever he wants, cooking up a meal if he desires, making his life easier and being his biggest cheerleader in public?
It’s easy for you to ask, but ask yourself first- “Am I the kind of woman my ideal man would want?”
Gaurav K. @gaurav_kumar
Absolutely, every woman should ask herself such a question before getting into marriage or relationship. Believe me, there will be a lot of positive change in the condition of women.
The ideal man would never let you work like a donkey,.he will help, cheer you up
It’s not about the work. Re read what it says.
You read again whenever he wants? What is this ? Is she slave?
It sure is a two way path… women alone should not be responsible to take the burden on her shoulders of any relationship…
Who ever posted this… it’s nice to think about that… but you should also post about men’s responsibilities like are the taking care of her women in times of needs… or satisfying their partner’s se&ual need emotional needs… are they giving her enough time… and there is so many more things to ask for…
And what about s** whenever they want… i don’t think it works that way… women are not slaves…