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Pradip paul @elegant_wish_...

Are women really safe in India I am saying because of 16 dec 2012 nirbhaya case and Hyderabad brutal murder case of Dr Priyanka Reddy in 2019 ig I want to work for a social group which never judges a women never body shames a women but many groups abuses women that’s why I am asking this question

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lovely_boy2
Profile picture for Now&Me member @uhm_unknown
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lovely_boy2

Ginni @lovely_boy2

Are men safe in india?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @uhm_unknown

lish @uhm_unknown

Why do “men” want to be victimized so badly?

Sanket @sanket

India is very safe compared to other countries


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