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Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse

are there any other gays on here?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @idkwhat2puthere
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivraj___
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse
21 replies

mohamad faiz @mohamad

Hmm yes

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse

nice, im a lesbian btw lmao

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse


mohamad faiz @mohamad

No prob and you don’t have to feel any discomfort about that

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse

discomfort abt what?

mohamad faiz @mohamad

That you are lesbian

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse

oh i dont lmao, im proud of it actually cuz im not attracted to crusty guys

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse

lmao no it was fineeee

mohamad faiz @mohamad

I am her just to make friends

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse

ok lmao, so what kind of stuff do u like?

mohamad faiz @mohamad

Music, games and usually I like to be alon

mohamad faiz @mohamad


Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse

music, reading, painting, watching tv, hanging out with friends, that kinda shit lmao

Profile picture for Now&Me member @idkwhat2puthere

✨Ash✨ @idkwhat2puthere

this girl I used to kinda crush on was always not caring abt me. that girl is the crusty one here. That’s why I’m starting to like boys again. also trans btw so I’m actually a boy

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse

that’s cool

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivraj___

shivam @shivraj___


Profile picture for Now&Me member @idkwhat2puthere

✨Ash✨ @idkwhat2puthere

aya trans and might be gay lol starting to lose interest in girls. i say that i am omni lol

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse


Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivraj___

shivam @shivraj___

Hi connect me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse

hey sorry i dont have the app


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