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anyone’s there?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @emmsy
9 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @emmsy

I am here, you are not alone. You can do this. :)


thank you for being there…


due toh some toxicity in friendship i’m losing myself idk why but it getting harder for me day by day to be with them…and if i choose a option to leave them …my heart never agreed it…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @emmsy

Hey, it will be ok you can do this, you have gotten this far!! Well done! If you feel like things aren’t working why don’t you take a break for a while maybe go to a cafe or bookshop, do something that makes you happy and if you end up talking to someone or want to, go for it! Things are going to start working out and your road will be smooth real soon :) <3


yaa feeling much after this kinds encouragement given by you…thank you man!..hope you are doing well in your life…

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @emmsy

Your welcome! I am doing ok, I worry way too much and overthink stupid stuff like going to see my friends and going to my dads house. This annoys me because I know it will go fine but oh well. I am glad I could help u! 😁


hey i m here


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