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Anyone up for talk? I need to listens to someone elses view on something…

15 replies

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daisy @daisy202

Okay. I helped one of my long distance relative to get married. She was having difficulties to get married. Out of sympathy, i helped her to pass on my husbands friends bio data. But as soon as she got the bio data, she absolutely ignored me like i never existed. She even didn’t call me after confirmation of wedding. No invitation from herself. Her mother did call but i didn’t attend as my sister was sick. So it has been 7/8 months since her marriage, i just cant get over how she ignored my good intentions. No gratitude towards me, no nothing. I cant even sleep over thia issue. How do i cope with THIS? Or im being too needy?! Please tell me what you thing of this situation…

KIngCade @kingcade



Okay. I helped one of my long distance relative to get married. She was having difficulties to get married. Out of sympathy, i helped her to pass on my husbands friends bio data. But as soon as she got the bio data, she absolutely ignored me like i never existed. She even didn’t call me after confirmation of wedding. No invitation from herself. Her mother did call but i didn’t attend as my sister was sick. So it has been 7/8 months since her marriage, i just cant get over how she ignored my good intentions. No gratitude towards me, no nothing. I cant even sleep over thia issue. How do i cope with THIS? Or im being too needy?! Please tell me what you thing of this situation…

pS @ps01



Okay. I helped one of my long distance relative to get married. She was having difficulties to get married. Out of sympathy, i helped her to pass on my husbands friends bio data. But as soon as she got the bio data, she absolutely ignored me like i never existed. She even didn’t call me after confirmation of wedding. No invitation from herself. Her mother did call but i didn’t attend as my sister was sick. So it has been 7/8 months since her marriage, i just cant get over how she ignored my good intentions. No gratitude towards me, no nothing. I cant even sleep over thia issue. How do i cope with THIS? Or im being too needy?! Please tell me what you thing of this situation…

pS @ps01

Why does it matter if they are happy let them be look at it this way if they want to have a divorce in the future they’ll blame you or she’ll blame you for it so it’s better she does not show gratitude rn .


I didnt even receive a thank you from her. I feel so used and stupid for helping her honestly.

pS @ps01

It’s okay to feel these things


Every night i try to deal with these emotional issues with God but ibdont know what to ask from Him… Should i curse her? Will that bring me peace? It wont… I know, should i forgive her? Let her get away with what she Did?.. I feel so bad for me… I cant stop it… The feeling keep crushing back to me like waves…

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daisy @daisy202

Thanks… for listening. I hope these simple feelings were easier on me.

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