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keshav sah @kesh01

Anyone up for a debate??
( any topic appreciated) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rajpur0hit
13 replies

Why are guys getting more and more feminine each day …vice-versa with girls.?


And why is that labelled β€œwrong” ?


Well for obvious reasons…society won’t function if teachers started treating patients and doctors started milking cows, less and less women are interested in having kids , the same reason why china is facing a serious issue in population imbalance. Men are naturally more physically stronger and are made to carry out the physical task whereas women are more sensible and are good managers , if people just stopped playing their roles and decided they want a change just for fun , society would collapse badly. A new foundation would then be made which would again collapse when people wanted change for fun again.


Teacher’s job is to teach and that of doctor’s is to check patients. They are trained in their respective fields. How can you compare this to the gender roles created by a society?


No society decided if man were to go on a hunt whereas females were to manage other important thing. This is just millenials rebelling against everything without thinking about it first. I get that men and women are equals, but not as you think. If we were equals literally like you think, we wouldn’t have different hormones , different bodies , different minds…
So stop blaming society and start thinking why were things made to be like this in the first place? Were our ancestors some dumb people who just got lucky surviving?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rajpur0hit

Pawan Purohit @rajpur0hit


No society created this … No one forced it on you , this was how people survived in ancient times , men went for the hunt women took care of other important things.
Roles weren’t given , rather assumed when people were living in an actual functioning society and not some millenial fancy world where things are much easier.
There’ll be hard times , so prepare for that .
I agree , men and women are equal. Not literally though , both have different bodies , mind , hormones , and roles to play …and if you can’t accept that then idk where we are heading.

keshav sah @kesh01


What exactly do u mean feminine???


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