Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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saransh @saranshmac7

Anyone up for a conversation?

14 replies

Saadi @beingme


saransh @saranshmac7

how are you doing

Saadi @beingme

I am fine ty. How are u doing?

saransh @saranshmac7

I doing fine just feeling lonely

Saadi @beingme

Feeling same and believe me it is worst feeling


You could connect with the person and talk …

saransh @saranshmac7

Right… it is … after being busy and doing work all day coming back home feels shitty

saransh @saranshmac7

trying to

Saadi @beingme

Yeah when ur at work ur mind is diverted but when u step inside ur room sorrows & loneliness engulf you

saransh @saranshmac7



Chill dude…
You will b OK
I guess most of people feel kinda like that
Shit and all stuff…

See in different perspective or in positive way
I know its hard but try .
Maybe the way u look into things might change who knows.
Else connect with the person who u share
It would b better also.

saransh @saranshmac7

with time it gets harder to meet new people 😅


True but u could try starting at one
Or the one you have and trust u might share or open up with them

Saadi @beingme

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