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Profile picture for Now&Me member @1alternativeegirl

Vick @1alternativeegirl

Anyone else hate change? I hate how i feel jealous and left behind when my bff is making more friends and how i feel she will forget about me…i need new friends so i’m not so dependent on her… Anyone else have relationship changes that make them wanna cry?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @1alternativeegirl
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lowkeykk
9 replies

jay @jay12

I have seen many people’s changes so I’m habituated now

Profile picture for Now&Me member @1alternativeegirl

Vick @1alternativeegirl

help me lamo

jay @jay12

What help do you need?


It’s not wrong for you to feel that. I know how hard it feels. I had been through that 2 years ago. If she really love you as a friend, she will always remember you. Trust me. But you still need to try to make new friends. Just to develop your own friend circle. Don’t worry if you met the wrong person. Sometimes, meeting fake people help you grow more. It helps you to be careful not to find someone like that and not to be like that. I know it’s hard to make new friend but what I can help is just be yourself. If they really want to be your friend, they would accept you no matter what. It would be worse if you’re faking yourself and they find out you’re not who they think you are. Please remember that it’s okay to feel negative things, you’re a human too and it’s normal. You can share it with someone you trust bcs bottling up will just make it worst ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @1alternativeegirl

Vick @1alternativeegirl

Thanks, as a shy person it’s hard to make conversation with others. But recently i’ve started talking to someone new and i feel a little more confident about talking and making friends. Maybe its how different she is and i’m not expecting it like how she changed her style so drastically…that shook me. But yea the new friend i have she’s more like me and she’s quirky and stylish and i love being around her but i’m still testing the water


You’re welcome. I’m glad to hear that. Don’t worry too much about your friend. Care about yourself too. Keep it slow if you want to, no need to rush. You’re still young and the world still have many things to show you. Don’t e afraid to fall and don’t be scared to get up again.


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