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Justin @despaer

anyone else ever felt like they have zero talents? Like there’s literally nothing I’m good at. And the few things people tell me I’m good at, like drawing for example, I’m very average, even after trying to improve. A lot of people around me have started pursuing their future life based on their talents or interest, but I’m here and idk what to do

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fatouma73
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @fatouma73

fatouma73 @fatouma73


me too


yeah but then i started trying harder and i always get closer to it there is no point saying all this just do something about it

Justin @despaer


😐 rhetorical but okay


You know what even I used to feel the same way too! Only thing you can do is to be confident in yourself. Fake cofidence till you actually feel confidant! Now how to do that? I would say just repeat in your mind that I am a beautiful and talented person. Sounds stupid but it kinda works. You mentioned that you are kinda good at drawing. Pursue that interest. Maybe post your drawings online too. Fuck what people will think. Just trust yourself. Do what you love. Find happiness in little things. Sending you lotsss of love😘😘😘😘

Justin @despaer


Thanks so much for that reply, yes I have pursued my drawings but I saw I had very little improvement by trying so hard, but yes, I shouldn’t give up on it. Thank you for the good vibes ✨


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