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Anyone awake?
One of my girl best friend just proposed to me, A few days back she told the friend group that she’s a lesbian and everyone supported it but today She suddenly confessed to me that she has feelings for me and that she wants to date me, I tried explaining to her that I’m straight Nd don’t like her that way so kissed me.
I pushed her away but now I don’t know what to do, I feel that what she did was wrong but then she was drunk and do shit while under its effect but i don’t drink and i can’t forget it. It’s just making me too uncomfortable. Should I talk to her or just act as if nothing happened or break our friendship. I’m so confused, I don’t know what to do.
What should I do 😩

7 replies

tell her how she crossed the line and if she makes you too much uncomfortable, stop being friends with her.


Hey can we connect and talk?


Are you awake ?


Talk to her and say it directly that you respect her feelings but more then a friendship is not possible at all so either we friends what we were or else the things will be ruined for life so you decide what you want from this options


I think you should talk to her about how you felt !! And tell her that you don’t really want to be in that zone where you have to decide to break this frndship or not !!! So you definitely respect her emotions but you don’t feel the same way !
Tell her each n everything that you feel hope she understands!!

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Thank you so much for your advice everybody ❤️‍🩹


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