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Anybody wanna share their harrasment story? If you feel like venting out
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Well… My cousin brother started flirting a lot with me a few months back. I just took it as a joke, but at one point he went too far and started talking about marriage and stuff, and which kind of guys do I like. When i said i don’t wanna marry him, he got all serious and asked if the reason was because we’re cousins or not. So i clearly told him that he’s making me uncomfortable and to stop saying stuff like that, he got really mad and called me a psycho and said that I’m overreacting, and even blocked me, and the next day he unblocked me and saved my name as ‘not sis’. Talk about being petty. Then he even gaslighted me and said that he will be really awkward next time when all of us cousins will meet and that it’s all my fault.


I have been through somewhat like this. But it didn’t go far.
Remember your decision is yours, he has to save himself or shall I say defend himself just because you drew the line. Such kind of people will never accept their fault rather manipulate and Gaslight you. You did the right thing.


Thanks <3


I get harassed a lot due to my caste. They used to say ye reservation wale,ye SC/ST. Would say ye reservations walo k wajah se desh piche h like that. I get angry but I couldn’t do anything. They would make fun of my language .I was the first one in my family to get formal education. studied at a govt school.they would say isko English bhi ni ati.
At one point,one of the guy touched me inappropriatly I complained but nothing happened. I was so depressed,thought its all my fault. Somehow I survived college ,got a okay now.


I am telling you those who can’t crack anything in life they say such stupid things. Reservations were made to give them equal rights as the previliged ones. I could never speak or write English properly before. They just want to find flaws every where they go .You are a strong fellow.


They would pass so many casteist remarks. They would make comments on my look like ye bhangi, ye kamwali jasie dekhti hi. I was very down at that time. I studied all my life from scholarships. I couldn’t leave hostel cuz I had very less money. I bear it,in my college there were very few students from community.
I passed with good marks ,I got a job. Some people will never understand why reservation is needed.


Yes you do not worry about it. You are a very strong person


I come from a privileged family and I was assaulted more than once by a family member.

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It happened for years till I decided to do something about it.

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More power to you girl. I was assaulted by my cousin when I was 4 years old he continued it for many years whenever I visited my uncle’s place till today I couldn’t say this to anyone. Nobody would believe me now. Because my family knows I drink occasionally and that’s why I am character less. The worst part is my sibling even she doesn’t reciprocate after telling her things indirectly because all they think is I am liar. We are all dealing with one thing or the other I am glad I have this app to vent. Even close friends can act weird at times. It’s needless to say


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