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Body DysmorphiaThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @eli_24

Eli @eli_24

Any tips for not getting so dysphoric when people call you a girl?
And Just tips in general as a trans teen?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @eli_24
6 replies

I don’t have any tips sorry
What I can share with you is that I’m a girl and despite that I don’t really care
I’m rather androgynous so maybe it’s easier, so I sometimes talk about myself as a male
But I don’t know
In my mind I don’t really define myself and I don’t think I look like the other girls
But it doesn’t really matter to me, and I feel okay being considered a girl
Because I feel okay with myself
What I’m trying to say is : what would make you confortable with yourself? Why is it hard to hear people misgender you?
(I don’t know if I’m of any help)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @eli_24

Eli @eli_24

The reason that it bothers me so much is because I can’t really do anything to hide the fact that I am a biological female because my parents won’t let me do anything. I had to cut my own hair. I wear ratty sweatshirts. And I don’t feel comfortable with myself because I feel like I can’t truly express myself because of my parents restrictions.


Ok so
You’re trying to find a way to bear with your parents restriction
Like, how can you express yourself within these restrictions
And so how to play with their rules and be you with what you have at hand
(Am I understandable?)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @eli_24

Eli @eli_24

yea. I mean, I could change my name at school to what I want it to be.


Yeah for example
I don’t know, you’ll know
wanna connect?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @eli_24

Eli @eli_24



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