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Any solution on overpossesive family… Like I have a life dude… Why do they have to control my life’s decisions… just because you’re family? Why do I have to please everyone at home while thinking about my happiness… other times everyone is chilling and fine and
busy in their own life but when I think about myself and my happiness, no this will happen, that will happen don’t do this don’t do that that… i am tired of this… why can’t I live my life… when I am away from them I feel free, with no mental and emotional pressure… why do my family overthinks so much on every little thing… I want to run away from home…

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I am 29 years old miserable person… my family fixed my marriage… arrange marriage and they started overthinking on every single thing… how will you live after marriage, how will your husband and mother in law will treat you, you will have divorce in some days itself if they didn’t treat you well, she/ he doesn’t have manners bla bla bla… we are thinking about your well being… can you imagine… I am tired of this overpossesiveness


They broke off my marriage

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No I mean i am not married… it was about to happen… but then they cancelled it… now they are giving me guilt to move on Asap because everyones happiness lies in my happiness…

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My parents think that this is best for me… the decision they have taken is in my best interest… they will find me a better prospect which they are looking since 3 years… I am tired of this shit… the guy with whom my marriage is fixed is asking me to come and marry him… my parents have warned me that if i do so they will not see my face again… I guess i am going to die single forever considering my family’s attitude…

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Saaaaammee. even the smallest things that won’t hurt. I’m an adult now and the primary financial supporter for my family and it’s still like that… I eventually told my micromanaging parent that I’ll do whatever I see right and that they are free to give their opinion but they need to have valid reasons (no “the society doesn’t accept that” BS)

That didn’t work tbh. I still get a hard time at the beginning (latest thing was getting a weird piercing) but I’m hoping they’ll eventually stop caring about those minor things and focus on me as a person…


Micromanaging is the right word… i know how it feels. It likes half of your energy gets wasted over convincing and making them understand things from my angle…


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