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Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

Any one wants to share something!! Just unload your heart and sleep well!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr
Profile picture for Now&Me member @traveller07
37 replies

Ye raat kab khatam hogi?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

Kisi ne bola tha thodi der pehle subah hone ke baad😑


thanks for telling :P

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

Is that you only 🤣


no! :P 3rd person

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

Raat se aapko kya problem hai?


yaar ex ki yaad aati :P

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

Kaise control karte ho fir khudko?

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr


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I wish if my friend could just talk to me and meet me asap. I want it to happen so desperately. Haven’t seen him in 5 years 😔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

Baat bhi nahi hoti?


Recently, I was the one who was initiating the conversation. Nothing much from his side. We used to talk a lot but nothing for 2 months😔
It breaks my heart

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

Aisa kyu hua ?? Distance ke vajah se yaa fir kuch or reason hai?


We’ve talked about meeting each other for months but we were in different cities. Now that live in the same city but he’s busy with his work (I don’t really know if that’s the case)😔😔😔
He just postponed hangouts thrice


I truly dont know the reasons
I don’t see any mistake on my side
I’ve been always genuine and honest

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

You can go and meet him if you know the address. And make things clear why he’s like this now!


Well, that’s impossible. We haven’t met each other for 5 years, it is so weird to visit him at his place. Plus he has recently shifted. I can’t do that

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

There’s nothing weird in friendship!! And one more thing , people change… may be he has changed now!!


There is nothing wrong with friendship I agree with that.
But I am uncomfortable doing that.
Yes as a person he has changed a lot, but from our text conversations, I didn’t feel like he has changed towards me.
But there is the thing that the enthusiasm that he used to show, he no longer shows it. I truly felt like he doesn’t want to meet me. Initially, he wanted to meet, then I got excited about meeting him.
I told him whenever I had time and of course, took care of his schedule yet he postponed hanging out.
Now, recently I told him that I won’t ask him anymore because I am tired to ask all the time and putting in a lot of effort. I felt disrespectful. 😔😔😔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

As per my observation he has changed!! May be he has some other friends and he’s giving more priority than you!! It happens in this world my friend!! You should stop thinking about him now!! You’ve done enough efforts to rebuild this friendship but he also should be ready for that na!! And it seems he’s not ready


Yes I understand that
But it’s hurting me a lot. My heart aches and I feel intense pain because I kinda know this but it is taking a hell of lot of time to accept it.
We were amazing and these things were truly unexpected. Can’t believe that we both are standing on the point. 😔


I miss him a lot. I want to talk to him and spend time with him. He is the guy who has been there with me for a long and I crave his presence a lot.
I just can’t help it. What am I supposed to do 😔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

Hey!! Listen ! He’s happy and living his life happily! And of course it’ll hurt yaar it’s natural! You can’t avoid it but you can control it my friend! Just think once you also have life and every moment is precious so better start living those moments… love yourself and be strong dear!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @traveller07

Thank you so much for your words. I’ll remember for sure. I needed those words badly. All I felt like I am unworthy and unwanted.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

No one is unwanted and unworthy dear!!! Life is too short! Start a fresh with no expectations from others!! Stat happy and keep smiling!!


Yep trying my best to do it.
I dont expect much. Whatever I expect is natural and basic. But in today’s friendships and relationships, people are just unable to fulfil that basic and simple expectations for example spending time with each other. 😔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

You’re right!! Better we don’t expect anything… this world is so cruel and selfish!!


Yes, my recent experiences have been worse and I am starting to see that.
I truly feel a need of having someone like me in my life. 💜😔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

You’ll get someone don’t worry!! But first love yourself! And stop overthinking!!


Yes, I do love myself a lot. I am loving myself more everyday. Overthinking is the thing I must work upon.
But you know there are some people in our life that we truly want but they just don’t show up. It’s one of those things happening to me. I’m an introvert and let very few enter my life. He is one of those, it hurts when someone this close to hurts you. That’s it, buddy.
That’s all I felt and I am feeling better after having a conversation with you.
Thank you so so much 😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

I agree with you, it hurts!!
And that’s really good to know that you’re feeling better!! Wish you all the best!! Stay happy and keep smiling!


I hope you’re doing good and you too stay happy. Thanks for being there. Lead an amazing life ahead. If anything bothers you, we are here. 😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

Thank you!! It was nice to talk with you!! I’m also feeling better now!!



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